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Chitchat - bate papo em ingles

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xaliba, grammar sucks man! It's important I know, but the spoken English is much better than grammar. It's like our life, first of all we listen to the words, after we begin speaking and at least we learn writting and reading and learn the fucking grammar.


It's not our case, I KNOW! Just to put fire in this conversation about grammar, that I'm against at this point of learning ::lol4::

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  • Membros de Honra

well bro, i totally disagree. You only know how to write and speak properly cos you went to school and learnt GRAMMAR there. If you want to speak 'nois vai nois vorta' then yeah, no grammar is necessary, but otherwise, if you want to master it and do it well... think again. I say that by experience, after i started studying grammar there was an amazing boost in my english, today my english is way better than the average person cos, among other things, i did it and studied like hell. And also you're in brazil, not in an english speaking country. Now it's up to you. ::otemo::::otemo::::otemo::


If you think it's just something you have to do cos someone else told you to it does suck, if you think it's one of the things which will set you free - along with speaking, listening, and writing - you will be glad for every second spent in front of this book. ;) trust me

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  • Membros de Honra

lol ::lol4::


Actually xaliba, I'm just kidding. I really don't like grammar, doesn't matter if it's in portuguese, spanish or english. I work with telecom and the most part of datasheets and good books that I need is in english, so, I know the importance of a good and formal english. Sometimes I need a support in english as well, and I must have a good level of conversation.


I just "minimized" the importance of grammar (I'm NOT sayin that grammar IS NOT IMPORTANT!) 'cause I think u can easily learn english in other ways. The studing of grammar is necessary when u have already a certain knowledge about the language. I think it's like I've said: The learning is a process that you can compare with a child growing up. First he/she listen to the words, discover the meanings, start saying some words and only after that he/she will learn how to write and learn about the rules of writing.


The children speak in funny way when they r growing up, with some wrong words, don't they? Its a learning process.


To whom is having problem studying english, I suggest you access and take a look in these tips. It's something what I think about studying any language.


But I don't like grammar ::hahaha::::hahaha::::hahaha::::hahaha::::hahaha::

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Hello everybody,


Thank you, xaliba! I'm getting better...


What I might say about the discussion is: the english course that I am doing, the teacher says: "Don't study grammar! Grammar kills you speaking! Don't think about the grammar rules!" Ok, It seems crazy, but now I realize what he means, In fact, grammar is not important when we want to speak english fluently, easily and without thinking, because his course is based on deep learning, his method works with deep learning.

His course is also based in answer and questions, in each lesson set there is a story, and he tells the story and at the same time he asks questions about the story, some questions you know the answers, and some questions you don't know the answers, but you must answer all the questions, if you don't know the answer, guess, say anything! In loud voice, not just in your mind! You must to listen to it the same lesson set many times, over and over again, everyday for one week or more. This is called the deep learning, the words, the phrases, the meaning go inside your brain slowly.

There are other features in his course above and beyond the mini-story, it has the vocabulary lesson set, the commentary and the POV (POV, or point of view, that is the mini-story telling in the past tense, perfect tense, future and so on - here you learn grammar).

I think that course is very powerful, it really works, at least to me. By the way, the entire course is in mp3 audios, but it has the transcrypts in pdf files.

I'm not sponsored by his course! I'm just talking about it, because I like it, ok?

In the current lesson set that I'm listening, the teacher says on the POV lesson: "If you want to speak english only, don't ask about the grammar, just listen to the story in the diferent verb tenses and understand the meaning, but if you want to become a phd in languagues you must to ask."


But, in addition, I do other activities to study english. I watch discovery channel, natgeo, bbc, fox news, cnn, etc with original audio in english without subtitles and movies with subtitles in english.


I take the mp3 files on this website and put them on my mobile phone to listen to them every day. The website is:

This website contain a link to "special english", where you also can download other audio files with english more easy to learn:


I like to study grammar, and I discover a way to study it on BBC Grammar Challenge, it's a very funny way to study grammar where you also get mp3 files for download. But the BBC learning english has many issues to study english. It's here:


The last tip is another website, it is a complete website, it has thousands of exercises of english, mainly "listening exercises", here it's:


I think the most important thing to learn english is "listening" you must listening english as much as you can, but you must to listen to original english, I mean english spoken by native speakers, of course, preferably teachers, or people who speak right! I have been doing this for 5 months, and I realize that I improve my english skills a lot! As I already said, I still have too much things to do, but I feel I'm on the right way!


Best Regards

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  • Membros de Honra
In fact, grammar is not important when we want to speak english fluently, easily and without thinking,


hi vidal, in this regard i agree with you, but there are two things we consider regarding speaking languages, fluency and accuracy. You can be fluent but not accurate and you can be accurate but not fluent. No grammar puts you in the first one and only grammar puts you in the second one. Of course you should balance both.


good tips about the bbc thing, well remembered!

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