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Chitchat - bate papo em ingles

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  • Membros de Honra

Hello dudos,


Was just curious to ask how the study of English is going.


I'm glad to see people are using this space as a practice place, but I've noticed that some people seem to be a little embarrassed about making mistakes when writing and do not risk writing more than a few words. If that's your case, just write whatever you feel like writing, no one is here to judge you, everyone knows how hard it is to learn and how impossible it gets if you just don't go beyond your limitations and be a little daring. Fuck it if you don't know how to make it perfect, just do it, this is what this topic is for, take advantage and PRACTICE, let the creativity juices flow off from your body and be happy! You'll see on your next trip abroad that it does pay off!



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What's up SHA-LEE-BBA ::otemo::


As we all can see, you are a great english speaker. I love english, I lived in Canada for so long, when I left my enlgish was better than my portuguese, seriously. As I lived there by myself, no family, I was barely speaking portuguese and I could only practice it by calling my fam here in braSil (no braZil, please rs). It's funny how we can even lose our mother language; obsviously I was still speaking it well, but unlike when I first went to Canada, now I had to stop, think about the sentence and then say it. Curently i've lost my english a little bit, since I moved back nearly 1 year ago, but I am always trying to speak it, by watching movies, reading books, talking to my friends up in the freaking north.


But bro, great topic, it's great to see everyone speaking my favorite language, indeed. How did you learn? Did you also live in a english speaking country? Or was it just by taking classes and practicing here?

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  • Membros de Honra

hey dude,


well, me?? I learned by sitting my bum on the chair and studying for hours and hours on end for quite a few years. I've posted a topic here which is an account on how i managed to make it all get into my brain. If you're curious you can read it at the following address como-aprender-o-raio-do-ingles-t35640.html


don't let it die away, keep it up mate!

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haha, man i do keep it up


what i mean by "i've lost my english" is that for a long time, my english was better than my portuguese, and currently aint like that. man, congratulations, its not easy to speak fluent english just by sitting your ass on a chair and studying, its not easy at all. my english improvment went on like this:


started taking classes in brasil when i was 10 - speaking very bad


took classes until i was 16 - speaking very bad


moved to canada, lived there for almost three years - on the third month, i had learned more than in my entire english course in brasil, and after one year i can easily say i knew the whole english vocabulary, excluding the formal english


and now, im studying international relations on university, and i gotta learn a few more languages, im gonna begin with spanish, and after that german, french, and perhaps italian. so i was wondering, where is the "chitchathen - bathen paphon en alemon"?


peace out fella

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Hi guys, I don´t know English very well, and I don´t Know write in English. But I'm trying.

I'm ashamed to post here but I know that this topic is for this, so please correct me!

I'm trying to add money to go to New Zealand in January, I'm afraid because my English is so bad! But I'll risk it! It´s my dream!




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What's up, people? Where is your next trip going to be?

I wanted to go to Las Vegas but I don't think I can save enough money until next June =/ I talked to my uncle and he was going to wait me to complete 21 so we could go together but I don't think it's gonna happen... =/


I also heard about this man, in Rio, next to Penedo, that has this cabbin that we can rent for the weekend, so sounds nice! It's like a hotel but actually is his house. Of course his is not there but he has some people that take care of the house and cook for the visitors! Sounds pretty cool and I heard that the place is really awsome! Top of a hill (hill?? haha) and he's house is the ONLY ONE THERE! AWASOME!


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  • Membros de Honra

Hello, my friends, how are you?

I saw this topic only today, and I thought that it was a very good idea. How this is a travellers' website, it's a "little space" to practice the English with other people.

I have so many difficults when I have any conversation. If my interlocutor speaks fluently, I begin to be lost, I stay very confused because the sound of the words is very seem. When it happens, I ask him (or her) to speak slowly, for my best comprehension.


I hope to figure on with you to improve my reading, writing and speaking English.


Nice to see you, guys!!!! My kindest regards!!!!!!

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This topic is great indeed. But its a shame that my problem with English is more about speaking than reading. I kinda have a problem in understanding somebody talking, it gets all confused in my mind and I can't distinguish the words. So I guess my only hope is traveling and practicing with native speakers.


But good luck for you people. If somebody wants to practice speaking through skype, just send a PM.

See ya!

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  • Membros de Honra

nats, dear, you have difficulties understanding people speaking because you haven't been practicing the real thing in real life. You don't have to go abroad and spend a lot of money in order to sharpen up your listening skills, there are other - ok, more difficult - ways, going abroad is definitely not your only option. Go to hostels, speak to gringos, watch more films focusing on listening, put the subs on and follow the talks reading along... anyway, se vira nos 30, and pull it off. It's possible, believe me! It only depends on your efforts.



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