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Chitchat - bate papo em ingles

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  • Membros de Honra

HIOUhAuioAuhAua... "macarronic"!

This remembers me some meeting that I went last year. ::xiu::



I'll don't ask you if you read the Douglas Adam's book (why not?! ::lol4:: ) but this makes me remember that I didn't finish to read my collection. I need to buy the book 3 to continue the saga ::tchann::

Now days I'm reading Deception Point (Dan Brown) that I won from JR on "Secret Friend" ::hãã2::



See ya guys!

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  • Membros de Honra

hey dudes, i'd forgotten this topic, so just came by to help keeping it running.


So, Danilo, i've been thinking about the discussion we had when the topic started, about studying grammar. From what i can 'see' your learning process is pretty much similar to mine, from your grammar mistakes i take you haven't studied much in a formal way but you're very keen on learning and have been doing whatever you can to learn this 'bloody' (a british variant, but less strong, of 'fucking') language :) but with no formal help. If i'm right, you SHOULD get your hands on a grammar book asap (as soon as possible) cos it'll make your english 'fall' into the right place and you'll be able to put things together without having to resort so much to instinct. Trust me, that's one of the best moves i ever did to get my english right, especially cos you don't have much input from the 'native' world and can't rely on getting the hang of it in a natural way (like lico advocates - and i in a way agree but i don't think it applies to your/our case) and if you really want to learn, and i know you do, you can't afford leaving it to be built by 'just' practicing your speaking and writing skills.


For example you wrote, "I'll don't ask you", which without shortening is "I will do not as you", study grammar and you'll learn that "do not" is the negative form you use in present forms and for future forms we use "will not" or shortened "won't", so correct form, "I won't (will not) ask you". Got it? That's something very basic that you'll 'miss out' if you don't focus on the grammar shit. (If possible, stick to the blue (book) one i mentioned)


Cheers ::otemo::::otemo::

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  • Membros de Honra

What's up dudes!


Look at what I received in my e-mail:




A prova consta de três módulos...



Tres bruxas olham três relogios Swatch. Qual bruxa olha qual relogio?


Em inglês:

Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?



Tres bruxas "travestis" olham os botões de três relogios Swatch. Qual bruxa travesti olha os botões de qual relogio Swatch?


Em inglês:

Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?



Tres bruxas suecas transexuais olham os botões de tres relogios Swatch suiços. Qual bruxa sueca transexual olha qual botão de qual relogio Swatch suiço?


Em inglês:

Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch?




Let's pratice!!! ::xiu::::lol4::::lol4::

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I am Dom Dieguito

I don't speak english, I don't write in english.

I'll go post anything. you say if is or isn't correct.

I need very study. I know.

I still Be learning, I got that study hard.

I belive all words are mistake but I don't wanna know and don't go stop!

I only go stop when I learn shit engllish.

thank you, everyone!!

and no me despreze for don't know... help me please!!!


vejam se tah no rumo, axo q naum...isso tudo eu tirei da minha cabeça agora... naum sei se estah certo!!!

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  • Membros de Honra

Hello everybody!

Welcome Dom Dieguito! If you want to improve your english, you found the right place... or not! ::lol4::


In my last trip, I used my english and I liked the results. I've comunicated with North American, British, Israeli, Canadian, Australians and another guys.

I loved my trip and I'm more excited to learn english now.


Thanks for help my guys, especially you Xalibrow!!!


See ya!

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My english its the Original Embramation! hahaha

I don't speak or write very good but it's enghout to have a funny conversation!

Well, i learn it just playing "TIBIA". Yeah, I know it's a nerd thing but helps me alot to learn!


In setember I'will do my first TRIP to Europe to pratice my english and in march of 2011 i will go to London to do exchange for 6 months!


This is it!



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